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ND Grano durum was released in 2017.  ND Grano has high yield potential and excellent agronomic traits. This variety has very good test weight and medium maturity. ND Grano has similar yield to Carpio and good straw strength. Compared with Carpio and Joppa, ND Grano has higher test weight, smaller kernels and similar height. ND Grano is resistant to both leaf and stem rust diseases. Fusarium head blight disease severity of ND Grano is similar to Joppa. ND Grano had higher DON accumulation than Carpio and Joppa. ND Grano has low cadmium uptake, lower than the well-known low cadmium uptake Canadian variety, AC Strongfield. End use quality characteristics of color and firmness are very favorable for ND Grano. To help ensure genetic purity, this variety is protected under Plant Variety Protection Title V and must be sold as a class of certified seed. 

T&A Seeds is a retailer and grower to this variety licensed NDSU Research Foundation.

ND VitPro Hard Red Spring Wheat


ND VitPro hard red spring wheat was released in 2017. ND VitPro is widely adapted to the ND Spring wheat region. ND VitPro has improved straw strength over recent NDSU varieties. Plant height is similar to Faller and Prosper. ND VitPro has medium-early maturity similar to Barlow, high test weight and high grain protein that is comparable with Linkert. ND VitPro has outstanding kernel and milling traits, including very high vitreous kernel percentage. This variety is moderately resistant to all prevailing races of stem rust and has moderate scab resistance. ND VitPro shows good adult plant resistance to leaf and stripe rusts. To help ensure genetic purity, this variety is protected under Plant Variety Protection Title V and must be sold as a class of certified seed.

T&A Seeds is a retailer and grower to this variety licensed NDSU Research Foundation.

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